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Under the High Patronage of
Mr Emmanuel MACRON
President of the French RepublicTHE 2021 GLOBAL FOREST SUMMIT
of the 2021 Global Forest Summit
Garo Batmanian
Global Lead for Forests, Landscapes and Biodiversity for the World Bank
Laurent Boillot
CEO of Hennessy
Hans Bruyninckx
Executive Director of the European Environment Agency
Chris Buss
Director of the Forest Conservation Programme of the International Union for Conservation of Nature
Pascal Canfin
Former Development Minister of France, Chair of the Environment Committee of the European Parliament
León Jorge Castaños
Director-General of the National Commission on Forests of Mexico, Chair of the Committee of Forests of the Food & Agriculture Organization
Tim Christophersen
Head of Nature for Climate of the UN Environment Program, Coordinator of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration
Thomas Crowther
Chief Scientific Advisor of the UN’s Trillion Tree Campaign
John Paul DeJoria
Co-founder and Chairman of the board of JPMS
Isabelle Durant
Acting Secretary-General of the UN Conference for Trade and Development, former Vice-prime Minister of Belgium
Thomas Friang
Founder & CEO, The Open Diplomacy Institute
Dr. Jane Goodall
Founder of the Jane Goodall Institute and UN Messenger of Peace
Lord Zac Goldsmith
Minister of State for Pacific and the Environment of the United Kingdom
Stéphane Hallaire
President & CEO of Reforest’Action
Terry Hatton
Director-General of the Canadian Forest Service
Selwin Hart
Special Adviser to the Secretary-General on Climate Action and Assistant Secretary- General for the Climate Action Team
Virginie Helias
Chief Sustainability Officer of Procter & Gamble
Dr. Thelma Krug
Vice-chair of the IPCC
Dr. Maya Leroy
Professor at AgroParisTech, Chair of the Scientific Board of ECOFOR
Louise Mabulo
Young Champion of the Earth 2019
Clarisse Magnin-Mallez
Senior Partner and Global Lead for Circular Economy of McKinsey
Pape Sagna Mbaye
Member of the Parliament of Senegal, Chair of the Sustainable Development Committee
Musonda Mumba
Director of the Rome Centre for Sustainable Development, Nature, Climate and Energy of the UNDP
Dr. Eva Müller
Director-General for Forests, Sustainability and Renewable Resources of the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture
Dr. Robert Nasi
Director-General of CIFOR
Chief Ninawa
Leader of the Huni Kui people
Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim
Founder of the Association of Peul Women and Autochthonous Peoples of Chad (AFPAT)
Appolinaire Oussou Lio
Prince Djaka Whaénu Atawé, President of Grabe-Bénin
Marc Palahi
Coordinator of the Circular Bioeconomy Alliance and Director of the European Forest Institute
Barbara Pompili
Minister for the Ecological Transition of France
Dr. Jo Puri
Director for Environment, Climate, Nutrition, Gender, Social Inclusion of the International Fund for Agriculture and Development
Fran Price
Global Forest Lead of the WWF
Carlos Manuel Rodriguez
Chairman and CEO of the Global Environment Facility, Former Environment Minister of Costa Rica
Max Scher
Head of Clean Energy and Carbon Program of Salesforce
Nicole Schwab
Director for nature-based solutions of the World Economic Forum, Co-Director of 1T.org
Virginijus Sinkevičius
European Commissioner for the Environment
Céline Soubranne
Chief Sustainability Officer of AXA
Alexandria Villaseñor
Founder of Earth Uprising International
Dr. Izabella Teixeira
Former Environment Minister of Brazil, Co-chair of the International Resource Panel
Dr. Philippa Whitford
Member of the British House of Commons
Dr. Naoko Yamamoto
Assistant Director-General of the World Health Organization
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